Barbara Boetcher

,,The work must be conceived with fire in the soul but excecuted with clinical coolness” J. Miro



Born, Gdańsk, Poland


Academy of Fine Arts, Cracow, Painting

Jagiellonian University, Comparative Literature

UPJPII, Semiology


Florence Academy of Art, Drawing


Barcelona Academy of Art, Painting

Barbara Boetcher was born on 25 september 1997 in Gdansk to the family of classical musicians. Since early childhood she travelled with her mum around the Europe to visit museums of classical art. Being exposed to this expierence soon has resulted in her fascination towards visual arts.

She has started to improve her technique in high school dividing her time between ateliers in Cracow and Gdansk. In 2015 Barbara began studing painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Crakow in the studio of Adam Wsiołkowski, at the same time starting studing comparative literature at the Jagiellonian University. In 2016 she has completed postgraduate studies of semiology at UPJP II in Cracow.

Septemebr 2017 she has spent in Italy participaitng in workshops with figurative painters - Jered Wozkicky, Michelle Dunaway, Tina Garett and Teresa Oaxaca. Meeting with Teresa Oaxaca has resulted in discovery of realist art school in the center of Florence, Florence Academy of Art, were she spent 2 years studying classical drawing and painting.

In 2023 she graduated from Barcelona Academy of Art, painting program.

Her interest focuses on drawing, oil painting and printmaking. Barbara’s works are displayed in the private medical clinic ODM in Gdynia. She participated in exhibitions in Italy, Spain and Poland.




Galeria Pinakoteka, group exhibition

Gdansk, poland



Gruop exhibition at TIAC Group with Odd Nerdrum and Golucho

firenze, italy

Fruits of Summer, group exhibition at the Florence Academy of Art

firenze, italy



Katowice Galeria Szyld, group exhibiton with Zbigniew Bajek

katowice, poland

Galeria II Piętro, group exhibiton

krakow, poland

Biblioteka Miejska, group exhibition

krakow, poland




W. Turner


at the end of the day we can endure much more then we think we can

F. Khalo


Without craftsmanship inspiration is a mere reed shaken in the wind

J. Brahms


A childhood fascination with the paintings of the old masters has driven me to strive for the highest technical level in my work. I am deeply convinced, quoting Johannes Brahms, that without craftsmanship, inspiration is merely a reed shaken by the wind. I seek my ideas in the forms of the human body, aiming to combine the knowledge of our ancestors with contemporary aesthetics, drawing/taking inspiration from nature, photography, and film.

What I value most in art is the freedom an artist can achieve through their work. I have always admired this freedom while studying paintings of Francisco Goya and Rembrandt, watching movies of Quentin Tarantino and Pedro Almodóvar, or flipping through photo albums by David LaChapelle. Constantly influenced by these artists, in my own work, alongside my relentless desire to develop my craft, I attempt to juxtapose extremes: comedy with brutality, the unpleasant with the sensual, aestheticism with kitsch, etc..

In my case, the mediums I primarily use are oil painting, printmaking, especially intaglio.
